TRIBE - 2019
Research Program
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Research Program
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Equipex FIT:

Participants : Cedric Adjih, Alexandre Abadie [Inria, SED] , Emmanuel Baccelli.

Partners: Sorbonne Université, Inria (Lille, Sophia-Antipolis, Grenoble), INSA, Institut Telecom Paris, Institut Télécom Evry, LSIIT Strasbourg.

FIT (Future Internet of Things) aims to develop an experimental facility, a federated and competitive infrastructure with international visibility and a broad panel of customers. It provides this facility with a set of complementary components that enable experimentation on innovative services for academic and industrial users. The project gives french internet stakeholders a means to experiment on mobile wireless communications at the network and application layers thereby accelerating the design of advanced networking technologies for the future internet. FIT was one of 52 winning projects from the first wave of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research's "Équipements d'Excellence" (Equipex) research grant program, in 2011.

One component of the FIT platform is the sets of IoT-LAB testbeds (see the IoT-LAB web site). These were motivated by the observation that the world is moving towards an “Internet of Things”, in which most communication over networks will be between objects rather than people.



Participants : Aline Carneiro Viana, Catuscia Palamidessi.

  • Funding instrument/scientific committee: PRC/CE25

  • Project acronym: MITIK

  • Project title: Mobility and contact traces from non-intrusive passive measurements

  • Duration: 2020–2023

  • Coordinator: Aline Carneiro Viana

  • Other partners: COMETE/Inria, Universite de la Rochelle, Sorbonne Universite.

  • Abstract: The MITIK project is a 42-month ANR project that will start in February 2020. Mitik's primary objective is the design of an entirely new methodology to help the community obtain real wireless contact traces that are non-intrusive, representative, and independent of third parties. The secondary outcome of the project is be the public release of (1) the measurement tool designed for the easy contact gathering task; (2) contact traces which are clean, processed, and privacy-preserving, i.e., protecting both the anonymity and the location privacy of the users; and (3) their spatiotemporal statistical analysis. We expect that Miti's outcomes will support non-biased research on the modeling as well as on the leveraging of wireless contact patterns.


Participants : Cedric Adjih, Aline Carneiro Viana, Nadjib Achir.

  • Funding instrument/scientific committee: Under submission to the PRC/CE25 (Phase I)

  • Project acronym: GORILLA

  • Project title: GeO-distributed pRivacy-preserving InteLLigent orchestrAtion of data-hungry Services

  • Duration: 2021–2024

  • Coordinator: Cedric Adjih

  • Other partners: IRIT – Toulouse INP, LS2N – IMT Atlantiquen L2TI – University Paris 13.

  • Abstract: The GORILLA project has been submitted to the ANR - PCR program (PHASE I). Users of mobile applications keep calling for better user privacy while getting better user experience, and this fact has become a competitive challenge for application developers. As of today, privacy is often promoted through personal storage and is sometimes opposed to cloud solutions which are nevertheless well-established. GORILLAS proposes to revisit this dilemma with the recent emergence of edge computing. The idea is to leverage edge computing as a middle ground that will act as a trusted third party that ensures privacy and confidentiality requirements. GORILLAS will design a framework that captures the user's privacy requirements, the services requirements as well as current and future users, networks, edge, and cloud operational contexts to perform privacy-persistent and QoE-aware data placement in addition to a tailored QoE-aware service computing orchestration over edge and cloud resources